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Handle container failures

In this section, you will learn how to handle container failures in app-compose.

When a container fails to start, you can detect this and take action.


const unstableService = createContainer({
id: 'unstable-service',
domain: 'backend',
start: () => {
throw new Error('Service failed to start');
const myFeature = createContainer({
id: 'feature',
domain: 'frontend',
dependencies: [unstableService],
start: () => ({ api: {} }),
const { up } = await compose({
stages: [['stage-name', [myFeature]]],
await up({
onContainerFail: ({ container, error, stageId }) => {
// for example, sending the error
// to an error tracking service.
msg: error.message,

When you run this code, you should see the following output in the console:

"stageId": "stage-name",
"container": {
"id": "unstable-service",
"domain": "backend"
"msg": "Service failed to start"

Try it