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Use with React

This page shows how to integrate compose.up with React for dynamic rendering of components managed by containers.

Simple Example

Here, we create a logoContainer that manages the Logo feature. The container returns a UI component as part of its api, allowing flexible control over its rendering.

import { createContainer } from '@grlt-hub/app-compose';
const Logo = () => <img src='/logo.svg' className='logo react' alt='React logo' />;
const logoContainer = createContainer({
id: 'logo',
start: () => ({ api: { ui: Logo } }),
enable: () => confirm('Turn on Logo?'),
export { logoContainer };

And main.tsx file with layoutContainer and compose.up

import { StrictMode } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { compose, createContainer } from '@grlt-hub/app-compose';
import { logoContainer } from './logo.tsx';
const layoutContainer = createContainer({
id: 'layout',
dependsOn: [logoContainer],
start: (deps) => {
const Layout = () => (
<deps.logo.ui />
return { api: { ui: Layout } };
const { apis } = await compose.up([logoContainer, layoutContainer], { apis: true });
if (apis.layout) {
<apis.layout.ui />


  • logoContainer: This container manages the Logo feature and includes an enable method that prompts for confirmation before enabling. If the user confirms, the component becomes available for rendering.
  • layoutContainer: This container depends on logoContainer and renders its UI as part of the Layout component. This setup allows flexible control over the initialization order.
  • Calling compose.up: This is called asynchronously to initialize the containers.
  • Calling createRoot: For components rendering.

Limitations of This Approach

This approach works well for pages with a relatively simple component structure and minimal nesting. However, for more complex setups with deeply nested components, you might need a higher level of flexibility. To achieve this, you can use a slot-based concept, which is not natively available in React but is supported by the grlt-hub ecosystem through the @grlt-hub/react-slots package.

Example Using Slots

This example demonstrates how to use app-compose with React by incorporating slots for flexible component positioning. Using the @grlt-hub/react-slots package, we create a layout that includes a footer component inserted dynamically into a predefined slot.

Here, we create the copyrightContainer with a simple component that displays a copyright message. This component will be dynamically inserted into the layout.

import { createContainer } from '@grlt-hub/app-compose';
const Component = () => <code>All rights reserved.</code>;
const copyrightContainer = createContainer({
id: 'copyright',
start: () => ({
api: { ui: Component },
export { copyrightContainer };

In layoutContainer, we define a layout with a Bottom slot, into which other components can be inserted. The slot Slots.Bottom serves as a placeholder in the layout for dynamically added components.

import { StrictMode } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { createContainer } from '@grlt-hub/app-compose';
import { createSlotIdentifier, createSlots } from '@grlt-hub/react-slots';
const layoutContainer = createContainer({
id: 'layout',
start: () => {
const { slotsApi, Slots } = createSlots({ Bottom: createSlotIdentifier() } as const);
<Slots.Bottom />
return {
api: { slotsApi },
export { layoutContainer };

In footerContainer, we create a footer component that depends on layoutContainer and optionally on copyrightContainer. If the copyright component is available, it will be rendered within the footer. The footer itself is dynamically inserted into the Bottom slot of the layout.

import { type PropsWithChildren, type FC } from 'react';
import { layoutContainer } from './layout';
import { copyrightContainer } from './copyright';
import { createContainer } from '@grlt-hub/app-compose';
const Component: FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => <footer>{children}</footer>;
const footerContainer = createContainer({
id: 'footer',
dependsOn: [layoutContainer],
optionalDependsOn: [copyrightContainer],
start: (deps, optDeps) => {
component: () => <Component>{optDeps.copyright?.ui ? <optDeps.copyright.ui /> : 'No copyright'}</Component>,
return { api: null };
export { footerContainer };

And up ‘em all

import { compose } from '@grlt-hub/app-compose';
import { layoutContainer } from './layout';
import { copyrightContainer } from './copyright';
import { footerContainer } from './footer';
await compose.up([layoutContainer, copyrightContainer, footerContainer]);


  • Slot-Based Layout: The layout defines a Bottom slot that serves as a placeholder for dynamically inserted components.
  • Dynamic Footer: The footer component is created in a separate container and inserted into the Bottom slot of the layout.
  • Optional Dependencies: The footer component conditionally depends on copyrightContainer. If the copyright component is available, it is rendered inside the footer.
  • Initialization with compose.up: All containers are initialized using compose.up, ensuring that dependencies are resolved and components are rendered in the correct order.

This example demonstrates how to achieve a flexible, slot-based structure in React using app-compose and @grlt-hub/react-slots, enabling more complex and modular component arrangements.